Saturday, January 16, 2010

maiden voyage

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon last weekend, Gavan took his maiden voyage in the Chariot behind a bicycle. As I predicted, he loved it. He likes looking at Daddy or Mommy in front of him rather than craning his neck in a vain effort to see us pushing him in stroller mode. Even so, he fell asleep after about 20 minutes of whipping along the tarmac.

We went on the bike pathways in Fish Creek. Kelley went as well (on her own bike, not in the chariot) but she turned back a bit early since she had an errand to do for someone else. Gavan and I continued on to the very west tip of Fish Creek Park riding on twisty paths through the forest. All in, it was a 2 hour ride.

The Chariot worked great. It was solid and handled well. It rolled well but it will definitely give Daddy a good workout. When using it you have double the contact patch of your tires, much more wind resistance and of course the weight of the rig and baby (Gavan is only 5 lbs. less than my bike itself). So Daddy will be a much better climber on my bike this year when I'm riding solo.

It sure was nice to have some family time, get a workout, and relieve some stress all at the same time... Gavan says "Thanks for the biking attachment G'ma and Gmpa!"


BikingBakke said...

I'm waiting for you to fit at least 4" of suspension travel to that chariot!

Brandy Fredrickson said...

Thought you might be interested-

I would like to take the opportunity to invite you to the 3rd annual DV100 Race or Ride. This 100km road race has steadily grown in the past two years and this year is poised to be our biggest yet. In years past cyclists have indicated that they were drawn to the event for the beautiful central Alberta landscape and the thousands in cash prizes.

Check out our website at or register at