Friday, March 30, 2007


My deepest apologies to any eager blog-readers who existed out there that have endured the long drought of posts. I don't know if my mom ever read my blog but I'm quite certain that if she had even she would have stopped checking to see if Jonny has written a new blog post. No doubt my readership has dropped from a solid high single digit number to probably nil. This grieves me to no end but maybe, just maybe, there is one, perhaps two, people still out there that will click on their "favourites" and, in a moment of boredom, double click on "jon's blog". If that happens and they don't see "Ode to the Single-speed" they may think that they are experiencing a boredom induced hallucination but they will be mistaken because, in fact, I am back at the keyboard giving it a run again.

It is not as if I had nothing to write about. Actually, I had quite a few riding and other stories to recount. I've gone snow-shoeing in chest deep powder (only because I saw Andreas Hestler doing the cross-training thing on the cover of Impact magazine and I can't let him have an edge on me in the Transrockies this year). I've gone on several epic bike pathway single speed rides with Erik and others who have braved slush, salty roads and temperatures that cause you to have 3 inch icicles hanging from your goatee. I've rode to the top of Powderface Pass in February with Anthony Steamroller who had me at his mercy after 6 hours of pedalling even though he was riding a cross-bike and I was on a road bike... The point is that I have been experiencing all kinds of blog-worthy things but, whether the excuse be lethargy or sloth, they have not made it to cyberspace.

Hopefully I can regain some readership and we can start our relationship all over again... Hi my name is Jon...


Poyote said...

Ahha.... Finally you have put something up on your blog. Good to see. How was your ride yesterday?

jon said...

it was awesome... 6 hours of excitement. i will write about it soon.

Poyote said...

Excellent. I went earlier for my ride and went at my own pace. I was going at an easy pace to help with the base building. You have to consider that this is the first time that I have had to build a base like this before. Totally different than boxing.....

jon said...

yep. good idea to base-build... we'll have to meet up so i can give you the mtb'ers training bible.