What a beautiful day for racing... Too bad I spent most of the previous day under blankets trying to shed a cold enough to race today. Yes, I sound bitter because I hate DNF'ing. But that is what I did as I started the climb on lap 2. I knew my legs weren't the way they normally would be and this was all I was going to get out of them today. I also knew that if I trudge on (like I know I could have) I would be sick for most, if not all, next week as well. I've had it happen before where I was just about over a sickness and then I raced and it came back at me with a vengence while I was weak. Seeing as next weekend is the AB Provincials, I decided to call it a day early in hopes of being in good form for the AB Provincials... It was worth a try to start this morning, but in the end, I should have just slept in. I don't regret my decision to DNF but it still sucks.
Enough negativity, It wasn't a bad day for all. There was a good turnout of racers and the weather was pretty close to perfect racing temperature. The Deadgoats did an outstanding job of organizing and pulling off a fantastic race. I really liked the minor lap changes and addition of prologue. One thing I would like to be considered, though, is running the course the opposite direction next time. After I finished (kind of), I sat down and enjoyed awesome racing as the sport then expert categories finished their races. There were a lot of sprint finishes and tight racing which I think this course lends itself to.
I didn't catch the end of all the racing but I saw Steve Gaffney won my race and some good results were achived by Shawn Bunnin, Anthony Steenbergen and Erik Bakke.
See ya at the Prov's.
Enough negativity, It wasn't a bad day for all. There was a good turnout of racers and the weather was pretty close to perfect racing temperature. The Deadgoats did an outstanding job of organizing and pulling off a fantastic race. I really liked the minor lap changes and addition of prologue. One thing I would like to be considered, though, is running the course the opposite direction next time. After I finished (kind of), I sat down and enjoyed awesome racing as the sport then expert categories finished their races. There were a lot of sprint finishes and tight racing which I think this course lends itself to.
I didn't catch the end of all the racing but I saw Steve Gaffney won my race and some good results were achived by Shawn Bunnin, Anthony Steenbergen and Erik Bakke.
See ya at the Prov's.

I've learned to not feel bad about DNF'ing. We're all a driven bunch, and if the thought is even seriously crossing your mind, it's more than likely the right decision. Your body intuitively knows the difference between "this hurts and is worth it" and "this isn't wise".
You'll live to race another day for sure!
I remember racin gat the ABA #2 Cup, and as I had crashed within the first 10 minutes, and then 3 more additional crashes. I thought to myself, " I should DNF before I get hurt ". But I wasn't hurt and decided to keep given'er.
Then what do you know, I crash and get hurt. It was just an off day.
I'm back for Prov's though with my first Mtn Bike competition in 6 weeks.
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