Before I get to some of the other posts that I have in mind I should blog about the coolest thing about my life right now. That would be my son -- Gavan.
He's not that new I guess. He just turned 7 months old on Dec. 4th. Right now he's learning all kinds of new things. He said his fist word... Kind of. He said "Izzy", our dog. I'm not surprised that would be his first word since it is probably the most frequently used word in our house -- often loud and pointedly. I'm know he doesn't really know what he's saying but he's saying it really well. It certainly grabs Izzy's attention... Next comes "Dadda".
Gavan is making some pretty good inroads in the mobility department as well. He's not crawling yet but I think he will be any day.
He can "wheel-barrow" (I hold his legs up and he walks with his arms). Also, if I hold his hands he walks really well. I think he will be walking sometime in when he's 10 months old. But, if he doesn't that's really ok too. The real, important question is when he will learn to ride a bike. Notice that his shirt in the first picture says "I love my tricycle". He may skip the tricycle stage though... I know he has a norco push bike on his horizon. That will be sweet!
Right now he's screaming at the top of his lungs because he's board in his crib. It is way past his bedtime but he just isn't tired. The more he cries, the more tired he'll get. Just one of those life lessons you got to learn... Just so you know, he usually sleeps really well. He makes being a parent seem really easy -- for now.