Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blogging again?!?

After a long hiatus, I have decided to start posting on my blog again...

I'm at a point in my life where I would like to get myself more self-disciplined and I think disciplining myself to do regular blog posts will help me be disciplined in other time management areas. Basically, I have a pretty busy life but sometimes waste the time that I do have on frivolous and unimportant things. Somehow I suppose that if I can achieve the time management skills to do regular blog posts (more on the to do list!) that I will be able to manage my time with more important things...

That, and it will keep me from watching too many TLC re-runs when there are much more productive things to do.

I would like to post one thing per week. It will likely not be the most interesting or entertaining piece of literature you'll come upon in any given week but it is more for me than for you... If "you", the readership, exists. That said, I hope some of my banter is worth the read.

We'll see how this goes...


SIENA DUDE said...

Hey Jon,

Good to have you back!

Hope all is well...

I'm busy with my job at the Olympics, really enjoying it!

Hope you can make it out to ride...6 new xc trails last year and more new ones already in the another local race! Paradise!

jon said...

nice to hear from you.. it must be super exciting to be involved with the olympics.

i love new trails. i'd love to swing that way once next year but we'll see with my somewhat difficult schedule.