Saturday, April 28, 2007

Calgary loves riding bikes

I believe it was H.G. Wells that said "I have new hope for humanity every time I see an adult on a bicycle" or something along those lines at least. Well, today, driving back from a ride of my own I must have seen close to a couple hundred adults on bicycles and, like H.G. Wells, it makes me feel good. I saw loads of mountain bikers in the Station Flats parking lot in Kananaskis, I saw groups riding up an down hwy. 66, there were groups of 20 to 30 roadies around Bragg Creek, and lots of people riding on hwy. 22. I saw people I knew and tons that I didn't. There wasn't a 30 second stretch from K-country to Hwy. 8 that I didn't see someone on a bike... Awesome!

Yes... the promised posts from Moab and Lethbridge are coming.

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