Saturday, April 28, 2007

Moose Mountain Road TT

Today I went for a ride at Moose Mountain where I like riding on the sweet technical trails snaking down the hill. This area is one of my favourites and I ride it a lot. That is why I like using the Moose Mountain road as a bit of a marker of my fitness. I have all kinds of great loops that I string together but sometimes when I want to see how I'm feeling I time myself from the bottom parking lot to the top parking lot and then go on with my ride. Today, I did my first time test and I finished the climb with a time of 31 min 50 sec. I'm pretty happy with that. It's less than a minute slower than last year's fastest time of 31 min flat. but it was colder and muddier conditions... Feel free to race me. E-mail me your times and maybe I can post them on the side-bar (exact times only please, honor system). I've posted mine there to keep track throughout the year. The start is the gate at the bottom parking lot and the finish line is the sign just before the top parking lot... This climb is great for hill reps for training for Transrockies or La Ruta or something similar.

Also, FYI, Jean-guy is a little muddy but rideable and rhubarb is perfect condition (but just as steep as ever).

1 comment:

BikingBakke said...

Jon - I'll post some times for sure, I love that exact ride for the same reasons. I've done it different in the past, timing from Station Flats parking lot. I think from there I was usually between 40 and 45 minutes... but even cutting that out there's no way I'm going to beat you on the hill!